Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Bow Hunting Big Mature Whitetails

We all appreciate and enjoy watching our favorite hunting stars bow hunting big mature whitetails on TV, anticipating the upcoming season with dreams of that beautiful mature buck stepping into a shooting lane at 20 yards. If your anything like me, you probably feel the excitement as the hunters arrow disapears behind that giant bucks shoulder and the dissappointment when he misses. This is the adrenelin rush that keeps us in a treestand or a ground blind for hours on end.
Over the years I read everything I could get my hands on about whitetail deer and how to hunt them successfully. I subscribed to several deer hunting magazines and read every article, absorbing everything my brain could absorb looking for that "SECRET" to killing mature bucks. All that reading did help me to better understand whitetails and their habits and after a few years I did have a couple of 1 1/2 year old bucks and several does under my belt but it didn't get me that giant buck I ached for.
About ten years ago while setting around a fire sharing bowhunting stories with a freind, I blurted out "there is a way to kill a mature buck every year with a bow and I'm going to figure it out". Of course I was laughed at and told that I better join Team Realtree and hunt full time if I want that to happen.
My Quest was on to prove to myself that there is a way to successfully kill mature bucks every year and its working. I Have hunted and killed seven mature bucks in the last nine years. One of them had a deformed rack so I didn't have him mounted but he was 3 1/2 years old so he counts as a mature buck.
I want to share with you some helpful tips so you to can start succesfully harvest big bucks.


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